Celeste R. Yeager and Sean McCrory explain the difference between an ICE audit and raid and what hospitality employers can do to prepare for both. (Subscription required)
Michelle Gomez explains how the “Loneliness Epidemic” affects the legal industry and what law firms can do to help lawyers who suffer from it. (Subscription required)
As employers navigate ongoing change and court decisions related to remote work, Jeff Nowak says they should keep in mind four themes from courts while evaluating remote work accommodation requests. (Subscription required)
Rhonda B. Levy, Matthew P. Badrov and Oren Barbalat discuss the Boyer v. Callidus Capital Corporation matter, in which the Ontario Court of Appeal found the employee was entitled to $1.8 million in damages for unpaid vacation, bonuses and stock options.
Kelly M. Cardin and Thelma Akpan examine new pay transparency laws and explain how they are transforming workplace norms and employer responsibilities across the United States and beyond. (Subscription required)